
Make a website very very easily (and quickly too)

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Super-fast super-simple free personal website system with two-click install. User-friendly, mobile-friendly, everything-friendly and you own it all. Log in, write web pages, log out. With one-click site backups.

This website is Qwwwik v2.4

Qwwwik has colour (more). As used on my personal website »

Now with full-width 'responsive' images »
Photo by Patrick Taylor
(Guldborg Marina, Denmark)

Qwwwik is a minified version of superMicro CMS and is even quicker. Page speed partly depends on the server, but, all things being equal, the pages load very qwwwikly indeed, and that's the idea.

Not the only idea – the other idea is a website-making system (CMS) that is extremely simple and easy to use by more or less any person of any age who knows how to write and has an Internet connection, i.e. most people. There is no paraphernalia attached, like social media and visitor comments, plus no menu, no footer, no bits and bobs or anything superfluous to simply writing a web page. Qwwwik is just simple pages that can easily and quickly be created with the minimum technical knowledge and effort. Like HTML? Write HTML.

View page options »

Qwwwik can be installed on web space in less than 5 minutes, then you're away – write one page or a hundred pages. It works fine either way. If you really want a menu, create a page with links to whichever other pages you want to link to, then link to it and that's a menu.

<a href="./menu">Menu</a>

See making a menu page »

  • Unlike WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Weebly and whatnot, you retain total control of every aspect of your website with absolutely no outside interference or any kind of external monitoring access. Qwwwik is entirely self-contained (unless you add visitor tracking, which is normal and usually non-instrusive).
  • Add images by copying <img src="img/example-image.jpg" width="740" height="400" alt=""> from the admin images page and paste it into the page you're writing. Add bullet-point lists and other elements (view examples).
  • Password protected pages, secure password protected online admin 'panel' to write pages, upload and add images (and other files), and edit the look of the site.
  • One-click backups of everything, downloadable as ZIP with all the pages and images safely backed up as plain text files or the original .jpg files in case you lost them. No database to bother with either – each page is a text file.
  • Screen-friendly single-column web pages designed to look right all the way from desktop screens down to mobile phones. The column width on desktop or laptop is about the ideal 75 characters per line (less on mobiles).
  • Optionally enjoy dabbling with HTML and cascading style sheets: the building blocks of the World Wide Web.
Simple requirements
  • Register a domain
  • Rent some web space
  • Install Qwwwik
  • Read more here »

It is not always a matter of having a website for the sake of having one. It can be useful, for example, to be able to write a page of information for someone but you want it kept just between you and them and you don't want it printed or copied. You can password the page, then send it on WhatsApp or messages and give them the password separately.

If you want to edit it later, or correct something or even delete it, you can do it easily with Qwwwik, but you can't with email. Once you have sent an email to someone, you have lost control of what you wrote. It can then go anywhere the recipient decides – but not with a password protected unprintable uncopyable web page.

See information | search | default install »

"Less is more"

Qwwwik created by Patrick

Page last modified: 02 October, 2024
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