
Qwwwik (CMS) is a simple version of superMicro CMS. The same principle. Both systems developed 2008-2024 by Patrick Taylor.

Qwwwik (THE PROGRAM) was created by Patrick Taylor and always remains his intellectual property.

The program is not released under License.

Qwwwik can be released to individuals for personal use as named users only and is not to be given or distributed to others without my written permission. The program is free of charge. The copyright holder and/or any other parties provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is yours. Should it prove defective for any reason whatsoever, you assume the cost of all servicing, repair or correction.

Current version: 1.6

(1) Designed for Linux / APACHE web server - Qwwwik uses .htaccess.

(2) Can also be run on WINNT/Microsoft-IIS (urls with .php file extension).

The entire content of this website is the copyright of Patrick Taylor and not to be reproduced in any form without his express written permission.

Page last modified: 27 June, 2024
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