How to install Qwwwik

in less than 5 minutes

(1) Upload the folders and files

Current version = 1.4

Qwwwik is for intallation on your own web space when you have a web hosting package, preferably the usual Linux / Apache web hosting but also works on Microsoft-IIS (Windows). It should take no longer than 5 minutes using an FTP client like FileZilla FTP or the File Explorer in your web hosting control panel, eg: cPanel.

First unzip to your computer's hard drive, then upload all of the folders and files inside the cms folder, not the folder itself. You can upload the whole thing still in the cms folder, including the folder itself, but Qwwwik will then exist in rather than straight Not a problem. It depends where you want it.

Tip: before uploading the folders and files, rename the 'admin' folder to something less guessable.

(2) Install Qwwwik

Then open /admin/install.php and follow a few simple instructions. You will create a 'salted and hashed' password of your choice with a 'salt' word. Enter them both and proceed. This takes you to setup where you select a few more things of your choice, then 'submit setup'. That's it. Qwwwik should now be up and running.

Create a new 'salted and hashed' password here »

Update / reinstall

See updating Qwwwik »

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Page last modified: 16 May, 2024
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