Fonts and font styles

Qwwwik uses WOFF2 Google Fonts.

The fonts are:

(1) Open Sans Latin font-weight: 400 (regular and italic) and font-weight: 600 (regular and italic).

(2) Ubuntu Latin font-weight: 500 (regular and italic). Ubuntu is used only for <H1> page headings.

You can choose between self-hosted and Google's web font delivery service. Select in '/admin/setup'. Either way, they are the same WOFF2 fonts. They just come from different places. The self-hosted fonts are in the /fonts/ folder:


All other fonts in the /fonts/ folder can be deleted.

WOFF2 enjoys wide browser support and the best compression – up to 30% better than WOFF. The reduced file size leads to quicker download times and is usually the only format needed for compatibility with modern browsers.

Legacy browsers don't support the WOFF2 file extension. If this is a problem select Google's web font delivery service in setup, not the self-hosted option.

See information

Page last modified: 14 May, 2024
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