Debug option

Admin setup: Debug (YES/NO)

Qwwwik uses PHP as its scripting language. PHP has an option to report any scripting errors, which can be turned on or off. Error reporting has various options which can be turned on during development then turned off in actual use. By default, error reporting is turned off because the system as offered for download has been tested as error-free.

However, you can turn error reporting on in Admin / setup by using the Debug option: YES/NO. The CMS will then report any errors in the browser with PHP's 'all errors' option:


The debug option does not actually debug anything but it enables debugging by the type of error reported. There should not be a need for this because as far as I know there aren't any errors. If you encounter an error, please let me know including details of the specific error. Then switch debug back to NO.

Thank you.



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